Bowling at Lindfield

Founded in 1903, now with 140 members, a 7-rink green, car park, fully stocked bar, qualified coaches, regular social events - what are you waiting for?

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Mid Sussex League winners 2023

Become a Member

Buddy scheme for new members - free coaching - bowls available to borrow - you only need a pair of flat shoes and an enthusiastic attitude!

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Club sign at sunset

Our Club Honours

We've met with success at both County and National level over the years, and many of our players regularly represent Sussex at all levels.

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Bowling at Lindfield

Welcome to Lindfield Bowling Club

Lindfield Bowling Club was founded in 1903, and through a mixture of good management and competitive success, remains one of the strongest bowls clubs in Sussex, boasting a playing membership of over 140 bowlers. We have a very active social calendar, with regular quizzes, barbecues, fun bowls events and other special events arranged throughout the year.

We are affiliated to Sussex County Bowls, and also to Bowls England. We participate in five leagues: The Surrey / Sussex Border League (Men), the Mid-Sussex League (mixed), the John Spriggs League (mixed), the Nicholas Soames League (mixed Australian pairs) and the Nellie Mercer League (Ladies). We have a busy bowling calendar with over 70 friendly matches against other clubs, "turn up and try" days for new bowlers, and various representative trophy events throughout the summer.

As a club we offer excellent facilities, with a fully-stocked bar, three changing rooms, a seven-rink bowling green, ample parking, a Bowls England-approved coaching scheme, video coaching days, regular email newsletters, a "buddy" scheme for new members, and an active recruitment committee. Our week-long Jubilee Triples "open" tournament attracts visiting teams from about 30 local clubs.